

  • Federal Rules Impact on Private Property

Federal Rules Impact on Private Property

As a property owner or manager, you need to understand the implications and risks associated with this law, and what to do to keep your customers safe while traveling on your property.

If the public travels on property that you own or manage, your traffic signs, pavement markings, and other traffic control devices are now required to conform to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).

Effective January 16, 2007, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) amended the United States Code (U.S.C.) to clarify the applicability of the MUTCD to ANY road open to public travel. That includes privately owned property where the public travels. Examples are shopping centers, office and apartment complexes, recreation facilities, and even your own business.

This affects: 

  • Shopping Centers
  • Office Parks
  • Residential Developments
  • Apartment Complexes
  • Entertainment Centers 
  • Businesses with customer or employee parking areas

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